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Government Contract and Bid Finder and Notification System (Bid Contract) is the best tool available to companies interested in the $2 trillion government procurement market. It helps you boost your revenue and profitability in this lucrative market by searching, screening, and notifying you of new government contract and government bid and RFP instantly, so you will never need to worry about missing an opportunity. Want to learn more before you sign up? Take a product tour to find out how Government Contract Finder and Notification System works for you.
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IDFederal, State, Local Government Contracts, bids, RFPAgencyLocationIssued On
1Resurfacing Project: Shotoff Cliff Road, from Grave Hill Road to Big South Fork National ParkState/LocalTN02/06/2025
2Roadway repairs, milling, resurfacing, and stripingState/LocalTN02/06/2025
3Bid #3788 - New York City Field TripState/LocalTN02/06/2025
4Bid #3789 - Classroom FurnitureState/LocalTN02/06/2025
5Bid #3790 - Kitchen Equipment (walk-In Freezers)State/LocalTN02/06/2025
6Bid #3791 - PhotographyState/LocalTN02/06/2025
7Bid No. 25-24, Supplemental Instructional ProgrammingState/LocalTN02/06/2025
8Bid No. 25-25, Student Benchmark AssessmentState/LocalTN02/06/2025
9South Central Human Resource Agency: Asphalt paving at Waynesboro Head StartState/LocalTN02/06/2025
102025 ADA Compliant Sidewalk RampsState/LocalVT02/06/2025
11Security Camera and Paging system upgradeState/LocalWI02/06/2025
12Website Rebuild and Ongoing Support and Maintenance for Milwaukee County Transit SystemState/LocalWI02/06/2025
13RFP Supply and Delivery of Cast Iron Slide GatesState/LocalWY02/06/2025
14Rescue PumperState/LocalWY02/06/2025
15N. 2nd Street Improvements ProjectState/LocalWY02/06/2025
1625-14 Mosquito Aerial Spraying and Ground Mosquito Surveillance and Control Various PrecinctsState/LocalTX02/06/2025
1725-13 Cement Various PrecinctsState/LocalTX02/06/2025
18RFP 25-11 Mobile Training Structures for Reality Based Training Center OHSEM-ALERRTState/LocalTX02/06/2025
1925-10 On-Call Tree Removal Services Various PrecinctsState/LocalTX02/06/2025
20Emulsion Storage Tank for Jefferson CountyState/LocalTX02/06/2025

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